Recording and illustrating some of the wide range of fungi found in the Horndean area. Best seen from September to December when a number of guided fungal forays are held in the area, details on diary pages.
The best local sites are Wick Hanger, Catherington Lith, Lowton's and Blagden Copse but unusual fungi can crop up almost anywhere !
They are unpredictable, suddenly appearing in their bright coloured splendour overnight. I have attempted to photograph them while at their best (before the slugs get at them), they may not be seen again for another ten years or more. I find identification often difficult due to variations and stages of growth, also the naming, I have listed below some of the references and guides that I have found most useful.
FUNGI in 2008
No formal fungal forays were held in this area this year, one was cancelled because of weather.There were however some interested sighting in November 2008, mostly in woods north of Clanfield. (1) The only Fly Agaric Amanita muscaria seen this year was at the south end of Hazleton Common in mid October where the slugs had been tucking in. (2) A cluster of what I think is Glistening Ink Cap Coprinus micaceus, young specimens in which glistening white grains can just be seen covering the cap. Heydon lane, Clanfield on 15 Nov 08. The next two most interesting specimens were both seen in beech woods north of Clanfield on 15th Nov. 08. They are both quite rare. These records were sent to the Hampshire Fungi Recording Group where Mr Skeates kindly confirmed our identification. (3) Bearded Tooth Fungus Hericium erinaceus I was led to the location by Chris Westcott and was most impressed to see such an attractive fungus!
growing about 12 feet above ground level in a hole of a large beech tree. (Is the 2nd record this year for E.Hampshire and the 3rd site ever for this species.) (4) Podastroma alutaceum common name not known. Came across this specimen by chance whilst having a tea break with conservation volunteers. They looked like little fingers poking up out of the moss on a rotting log. Apparently quite rare, maybe just overlooked.
![[image 1/d713/jpg]](imgs/d713sm.jpg) Amanita muscaria
![[image 2/d871/jpg]](imgs/d871sm.jpg) Coprinus micaceus
![[image 3/d863/jpg]](imgs/d863sm.jpg) Hericium erinaceus
![[image 4/d876/jpg]](imgs/d876sm.jpg) Podastroma alutaceum
FUNGI in 2007
This year Fungal Forays were held at Catherington Lith on 29th September 2007 and at Lowton's and Blagden Copse in Clanfield on 27th October 2007. The Lith foray found fewer new fungi than in 2006. Most of those shown below were seen again including the tiny 'wheel fungus' (see pictures below). A good collection of fungi were seen at the Bluebell Woods by volunteers led by Chris Westcott on 27th October. The gallery shows some of the highlights.
(1) An attractive group of Mycena-like fungi at Catherington Lith
(2) and (3) The group identifying a white fungus near the picnic site.
(4)Porcelain Fungi on a beech trunk in Lowton's Copse
(5 to 8) Birch Polypore, Candle Snuff, Coriolus diversicolor and a group of Puffballs. All in Blagden Copse.
(9 to 12) Some other fungal portraits also seen on 27th October, identification yet to be confirmed.
A Fungi Foray was held at Catherington Lith on Saturday 30th September 2006. This event was led by the Horndean Parish Countryside Team with about ten people plus three children searching the area for fungi and doing quite well. These pictures were taken for this website and hopefully most of the names are correct.
I would welcome anyone pointing out errors.
From left to right - 1. Setting off on the search 2. A young Shaggy Ink Cap (Coprinus comatus) 3. Brown Hay Cap (Paneolinus sp.) 4. A fine specimen of Paneolinus foenisecii 5. Merasmius epiphyllus on Philip, the rangers hand, he gave it a name, I think 'wheel fungus'. 6. ? Melanoleuca 7. A nice group of Brown Hay Cap (Panaeolina foenisecii 8. Earthball (Scleroderma sp.) 9. White bell-shapes with thin stem - dont know ! perhaps Mycena galericulata 10. Diatrype disciformis on birch 11. Pieces of a Russula species ( a little like Amonita) 12. Small bracket fungi (Coriolus or Stereum ? )
![[image 17/p4064/jpg]](imgs/p4064sm.jpg) 1. Setting off on the search
![[image 18/p4063/jpg]](imgs/p4063sm.jpg) 2. A young Shaggy Ink Cap
![[image 19/p4065/jpg]](imgs/p4065sm.jpg) 3. Brown Hay Cap Paneolinus sp.
![[image 20/p4066/jpg]](imgs/p4066sm.jpg) 4. A fine specimen of Paneolinus foenisecii
![[image 21/p4067/jpg]](imgs/p4067sm.jpg) 5. Merasmius epiphyllus on Philip, the rangers hand, he gave it a name, I think 'wheel fungus'.
![[image 22/p4069/jpg]](imgs/p4069sm.jpg) 6. ? Melanoleuca
![[image 23/p4071/jpg]](imgs/p4071sm.jpg) 7. A nice group of Brown Hay Cap
![[image 24/p4077/jpg]](imgs/p4077sm.jpg) 8. Earthball - Scleroderma sp.
![[image 25/p4078/jpg]](imgs/p4078sm.jpg) 9. White bell-shapes with thin stem - don't know! Perhaps Mycena galericulata
![[image 26/p4079/jpg]](imgs/p4079sm.jpg) 10. Diatrype disciformis on birch.
![[image 27/p4075/jpg]](imgs/p4075sm.jpg) 11. Pieces of a Russula species (a little like Amonita)
![[image 28/p4074/jpg]](imgs/p4074sm.jpg) 12. Small bracket fungi (Coriolus or Stereum ?)
October 2006 - a bumper month for fungi ! These recent fungi portraits show 1. A little family of Shaggy Parasols Lepiota rhacodes growing in our wild garden, taken on 15 Oct and the next picture 2. taken 2 days later on 17 Oct. luckily just before the dog sat on them but giving a good view of the ring or collar (annulus).
3. and 4. were taken at Lowton's Copse in Clanfield on 14 Oct 06 after a mornings work with the 'Friends of the Bluebell Wood'. I think No 3 is Hairy Stereum Stereum hirsutum and the white 'clump' in No.4 is a Clavulina species possibly C.rugosa sometimes known as Wrinkled Club.
Some examples of interesting fungi. Click on the thumbnail images for larger photos, plus more information.
![[image 33/fungi1046/jpg]](imgs/fungi1046sm.jpg) Hoof fungus - Fomes fomentarius
![[image 34/fungi2047/jpg]](imgs/fungi2047sm.jpg) Spiny puffball - Lycoperdon echinatum
![[image 35/fungi3048/jpg]](imgs/fungi3048sm.jpg) Sulphur Polypore - Laetiporus sulphureus
![[image 36/fungi4049/jpg]](imgs/fungi4049sm.jpg) False Chantrelle - Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca
![[image 37/fungi5050/jpg]](imgs/fungi5050sm.jpg) Shaggy Parasol - Lepiota rhacodes
![[image 38/pb170667/jpg]](imgs/pb170667sm.jpg) Fly Agaric - Amanita muscaria
![[image 39/p1109/jpg]](imgs/p1109sm.jpg) Many-zoned Polypore - Coriolus versicolor
![[image 40/p1679/jpg]](imgs/p1679sm.jpg) King Alfred's Cakes - Daldinia concentrica
![[image 41/fungi/jpg]](imgs/fungism.jpg) Stinkhorn - Phallus impudicus
Useful references
- The Encyclopedia of Fungi of Britain and Europe by Michael Jordan - Pub: David & Charles 1995
Well illustrated with a good colour chart and Keys with over 1000 species described.
- Mushrooms and other fungi of great Britain and Europe by Roger Phillips - Macmillan 1981
Several examples photographed for each species, claims selected from 25000 specimens.
Portable and useful field guides
- Mushrooms and Toadstools by Patrick Harding - Collins Gem photoguide, really pocket sized !
- Garden Fungi selected by Peter Marren - BBC Wildlife Mag Pocket Guide No 5