Wildlife and Conservation in the Horndean Area
Horndean Trees
Hampshire Wildlife Trust Southdown Group
Local Countryside
Tree Wardens Page
Dell Piece West
The Hedgerow Page
The Pond Page
Our Wildlife Garden
Flint and Fossil Page
Local Wildlife Habitats in the Horndean Area
 · Catherington Down
 · Catherington Lith
 · Coulters Dean
 · Dell Piece West
 · Havant Thicket
 · Hazleton Common
 · The Holt and Stein Wood
 · Hurstwood (Waterlooville)
 · Idel Wood
 · Lowton's and Blagden Copses
 · Merchistoun Park (Horndean)
 · Mercury Park (East Meon)
 · Parkwood (Cowplain)
 · Queen's Inclosure
 · The Sling (Rowlands Castle)
 · Wildlife Garden (Horndean)
 · Woodsedge (Waterlooville)
 · Yoells Copse (Lovedean)
Nature ReserveSU 690 14332 acres

Contact: Stephen Harwood - Tel. 02392 592317

Traditional flower rich chalk downland with wildlife and archaeological interest set within a woodland fringe and with panoramic views to the south.

[image Jvpic2sm.jpg] Clouded Yellow
Cattle grazing peacefully on Catherington Down and a Clouded Yellow butterfly photographed here on the Down on 8th August 2006.
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Catherington Down on 1st May 2007 with the hawthorn in full flower and cowslips dotted across the down.

The day to day management of Catherington Down passed to Horndean Parish Council, Countryside Team in November 2004 working in conjunction with Hampshire Wildlife Trust.
To see some of the flowers on Catherington Down, view the Biodiversity Wild Flowers page.

There will be a working party on Catherington Down on Tuesday 21st Nov for more information see South Down Group page.

Local Nature ReserveSU 70413830 acres

Contacts: The Catherington Lith Conservation Group s no longer working at the Lith. All enquiries to The Horndean Countryside Team. Tel: 023 9259 7766

A wooded scarp with ancient semi natural woodland and a small area of chalk grassland on the lower slopes (Stubbins Down) providing a mix of habitats including coppice, high forest, butterfly meadows and pasture.
Designated a Local Nature Reserve in 2001 and managed by the Horndean Countryside Team.
Further details from Horndean Parish Council Countryside Team.

Catherington Lith Conservation Group was formed in 1990 and did conservation work at the Lith up to 2003 when it was reluctantly decided to close down.

[image CLith43Air.jpg]How the German Luftwaffe saw Catherington Lith in June 1943. The light area is Stubbins Down most of which has now grown into woodland, mostly Ash, maple and yew. Volunteers started clearing the southern end to restore some of the chalk downland, seen below making a start in March 1991.
[image StubD91.jpg]

Nature Reserve - SSSISU 748 19211 acres

Contacts: Di Mitchell. Tel: 01730 266064

Area of broadleaved woodland, mainly beech and rich chalk grassland, home to many scarce plants, butterflies and the rare cheese snail.

There is a small friendly conservation group welcoming newcomers to help clear scrub etc off this beautiful reserve.

 SU 699 12510 acres

Contact: Olly HPC - Tel. 02392 597766

Mixed habitat - incl. Woodland, Grass/scrub, wetland. Between Morrisons supermarket and old A3, Horndean.
Now a SINC - Site of Importance for Nature Conservation.

Click here for further information and wildlife photos

Mixed WoodlandSU 72410290 acres

A large area of mixed woodland with good access to forestry tracks from the rural car park just off the B2149 road from Horndean to Havant near the 'Shell' garage roundabout 2 miles south-east of Horndean.

The area is managed by Forest Enterprise with a design plan to "protect and enhance biodiversity, protect archaeological features and maintain sustainable timber production. This will increase permanant open space reduce conifers and increase broadland cover.

Ref: Forest Design Plan and wildlife data collected by HWT, HOS and HBic.


A large reservoir is being planned by Portsmouth Water Company immediately to the south of Havant Thicket covering an area 1 mile long by half a mile wide and holding around 8.7 million cubic metres of water. Details including a map can be found on www.portsmouthwater.co.uk or via Google Search. The reservoir would be less than 3 miles from Langstone harbour. MRef of centre of site SU715 097

This project could be of benefit to wildlife. Interested parties were invited to provide an input at a Stakeholder Group set up in December 2004 and include representatives from the Wildlife Trust, (Denis Garratt) Hampshire Ornithological Group (John Goodspeed) and the Forestry Commission (David Williams) and all the local councils (EHDC, HCC, HBC, RCastle PC) and Staunton Country Park (Lewis Paterson).

These pictures taken in November 2006 give a panarama view of the area, with the Upper Lake and strip of woodland running through the centre and the right hand picture the large open area to the west extending up to Bell's Copse.

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Informal Open SpaceSU 702 12330 acres

Contact: Olly HPC - Tel. 02392 597766

A large area of heathland, mixed scrub, wooded dells with ponds and wetland area, home to lizards, snakes, many species of dragonflies and others invertebrates, always something new to see. Spread of bracken in some areas, a few patches of heather survive, mostly mixed with extensive areas of gorse where there is a good breeding population of stonechats. Area is grazed by cattle.

Conservation: Tree work and woodland management in the main dell, coppicing of willow and birch in the south. More information at www.horndeanpc-hants.gov.uk/countryside

Fact Sheets: Cards on local nature reserves and No.1 in the Series is Hazleton Common described as Horndean's little piece of heathland. Available free from HPC office. Includes a photo of one of the long horned cattle currently grazing the area.

Mixed WoodlandSU 712123? acres

An area of mixed woodland with one good access path to the north of which is a larger area of bluebells.

The Holt is entered via a path south of Pyle farm (MRef: 712123). There is a broadwalk extending between Horndean and Rowlands Castle, this is part of the Monarch's Way and was the escape route of Charles II after the Battle of Worcester in 1651 going along the South Downs to Shoreham and then to France. It is a pleasant was to walk between Horndean and Rowland's Castle, either in woodland or open country.

The pictures show the path through the Holt on 12th May 2007 Red Admirals sunning themselves on 11th November 2006.

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Path through the Holt
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Path through the Holt
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Red Admiral on hazel
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Red Admiral on path

Community WoodlandSU 696 09525 acres

Contact: David Kreet - Tel. 02392 454718(day) or 02392 230335(eve)

Ancient woodland with dormice, surviving fragment with rich flora.
Hurstwood Community Project - Meet 1st Sunday in month 10am - 12noon


on the site of 34 Longwood Avenue, Cowplain. More information about Friends of Idel Wood can be found on their excellent website at www.idlewood.co.uk

Idle MapArea in 1870This small area of woodland consists mainly of Oak, Yew, Field maple, with some hazel and other ornamental conifers, rhododendron etc and a ground flora where light can penetrate that contains pendulous sedge, primroses, ferns all covered with a considerable amount of litter including domestic rubbish, a burnt out car and several old bicycles. At the north end there is concrete and masonry mainly from the house that stood on the site.
Right: Area in 1870

Area from the air
The area from the air

Havant Borough Council received a planning application No.04/56339/004 in October 2004, for the erection of a 3 storey building comprising 54 retirement flats with associated parking at basement level, vehicle and pedestrian access to Wesermarsch Close and a pedestrian access to Longwood Avenue. Application from Mapleford Estates, Clapham and the local agent are Richard Ashby Associates Ltd, Kemps Place Greatham, Liss, hants. GU33 6HG.

The site is a haven for wildlife and surveys show 25 species of birds, 9 species of mammals including the presence of bats. Most important it contains a good number of mature native oaks between one and two hundred years old and forms a valuable link between nearby areas of ancient woodland. It forms a valuable wildlife habitat as well as a local amenity and an environmental asset in a largely built up area.

Ancient Woodland in ClanfieldSU 700 179about 54 acres

More information is now on their excellent new website at www.bluebellwood.wesnetservices.co.uk/ with pages on history, fauna and flora and the Friends of the Bluebell Wood volunteers group.

Contact: Chris Westcott - Tel. 02392 596720

A beautiful area of ancient woodland with access footpaths from Little Hyden Lane (footpath from Clanfield school), or North Lane. A small volunteer conservation group works in the woods on the third Saturday each month, further information phone the contact for the monthly Bluebell Wood Newsletter.

A butterfly walk in Lowton's Copse and Hyden Woods, 19th July 2008

On the 19th July 2008 a butterfly walk was carried out around Lowton's Copse and Hyden Woods. A good number of butterflies were seen by the conservation volunteer group in the afternoon which was warm and sunny with a slight breeze. We also had a look at the new charcoal burning area. There were a few Brimstones (1) which were most likely 2nd generation, and Silver-washed Fritillaries (2), also a single Comma butterfly (3) and some Large Whites (4) this one resting in the grass. Other butterflies seen were Meadow Browns, Marbled Whites, Large and small Skippers and one sighting of a Purple Emperor that travelled away too quickly to get a picture for the record !

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Bluebells in Lowton's Copse taken on 27th April 2003 (Photo, Paul Vigay) and volunteers taking a break from clearing growth under the power lines in Blagden Copse on 16th December 2006. (I wonder what Dug was saying to Joan !?)


Wildlife PondSU 700 1282 acres

Contact: Olly HPC - Tel. 02392 597766

Park with wildlife pond.
The pond is now urgently needing volunteers to help with maintenance.

New Book has just been published "Admiral Sir Charles Napier and Merchistoun Hall" by Steve Jones. Fascinating reading with a history and old maps of Merchistoun Park now available from Havant Museum at £9.99 (rp£12.99)

 SU 677 19250 acres

Contact: Terena Plowright - Tel. 01730 823166 (07808-482959 evenings)

Woodland and chalk grassland being re-created.
Woodland Burial Sites
Sheep are now grazing the grassland
The Earthwork's Trust Sustainability Centre still needs volunteers to help conserve 50 acres of woodland and chalk downland.

Woodland TrustSU 686 1048 acres

Contact: Jackie Buckley on 023 92266418

A remnant of the ancient Forest of Bere - a rare green oasis in an essentially suburban environment.
[image ParkWood.png]

Details and the latest information can be found on their excellent web site at www.park-wood.org.uk.

The Friends have produced a book describing the story of the woodland from earliest times to the present, containing many maps, old photographs and much detailed research. Fascinating reading and well recommended.
Copies are available from contact at £5

Volunteer Work days Next on Sun 20 May and on the following Wed evening at 6.30 there will be a walk in the woods (Details on South Down Group page and on the Park Wood website).
The date has now been fixed to hold the Woodland Festival at Park Wood on 30th September 2007.

We invite all Tree Wardens to a special meeting On Wednesday evening 16th January 2008 in Cowplain when Jon Stokes will be coming to talk about the Old Veterans and many of the old treesin East Hampshire will be shown on the screen.We hope that a number of local people will join us for the search for local ancient or unusual trees. Further information can be found on the Hampshire Wildlife Trust South Down Group page.

 SU 490 107About 40 acres

Contact: Kathy Pinkley - Tel. 01962 774714

Our local fragment of the former Royal Forest of Bere, probably named after Queen Victoria, contains many large sessile oaks, some nearly 200 years old. Volunteer tasks include pond management and path restoration.
Occasional tasks when nesessary.

 SU 737 10715 acres

Contact: John Goodspeed - Tel. 02392 221361

Western extremity of Stansted Forest. Woodland, mainly beech and meadowland with wetland dell, mostly overgrown.
For more information, visit www.havantnature.ndirect.co.uk
A small group formed in June 1999. Volunteers needed for conservation work and wardening.

Woodland, pond and grasslandSU 692 0834 acres

Contact: Steve Sadler - Tel. 02392 255690

Woodsedge Waders - Workdays on 2nd Sunday in the month 10am to 12noon.

SINC and LNRSU 688 12812 acres

Contact: Olly HPC - Tel. 02392 597766

A precious fragment of Ancient Woodland with a small wetland area on the north side and now surrounded on three sides by housing development. A Fact Finder Card on Yoell's Copse is available from Horndean Parish Council.

Click here for further information and wildlife photos

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