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7th June 2008 National Moth Night Not many moths were flying that night but a Skinner trap in the garden did attract a Light Emerald, Peppered moth, Riband Wave, Oak Beauty and some carpet moths. The first great event was on -

23rd July 2008, Moth Trapping at Catherington Down where more than 30 species were identified within 2 hours, many of the species being in quite large numbers. All captives were released back into the wild, mostly the same evening but the remainder, hidden under the broken egg boxes were released the next day at the same spot on the Down. Where possible a photograph was taken of each species and a selection of the pictures make up the gallery below.

Moth trapping at DPW on 20th August had to be cancelled owing to the very wet conditions. In the meantine the Robinson trap was set up in members gardens on the 27th and 30th July 2008 and amongst the regular visiting moths were Ruby Tiger, Black Arches and Elephant Hawkmoth There were also 5 species of 'micros', 3 of which still need identifying. All have been photographed but still need the IDs to be confirmed.
If the weather improves by the end of August another attempt will be made to record at DPW or possibly Catherington Lith.

Moths trapped at Catherington Down on 23rd July 2008

The evening was quite warm and dry with only a slight breeze and dozens of moths came to the Robinson light trap between 9.30 and 11.45pm. The light was positioned approximately in the centre of the Down on one of the middle terraces. Before it was completely dark we were able to see large bats and a noisy Tawny owl fly past. Considerable time was spent in checking identification and all the retained moths taken home were returned (those that did not escape in transit) to the same spot the next day. Numbering from left to right, here is a selection from our catch, I would be very pleased to hear from anyone if I have got any of the names wrong !! -

1. Riband Wave Idaea aversata
2. Ruby Tiger Phragmatobia fuliginosa
3.and 4. Common Footman moth or possibly Dingy Footman, Eilema luridiola or E.griseola (?)
5. Small Emerald on the left Hemistola chrysoprasaria and maybe a Buff Footman on the right (E.depressa?)
6. Common Rustic Mesapamea secalis
7. Black Arches Lymantria monacha
8. Pebble Hook-tip Drepana fulcataria
9. Shuttle-shaped Dart Agrotis puta puta
10. Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum
11. Early Thorn Selenia dentaria
12. Coronet Craniophora ligustri
13. and 14. Spectacle Abrostola tripartita picture 14. showing the spectacles from where it gets its name.
15. Lesser Yellow Underwing Noctua comes
16. Pale Prominent Pterostoma palpina
17.? Mottled Beauty orSquare-Spot ?- an unidentified beauty!
18. Flame Shoulder Ochropleura plecta
19. and 20. Buff ArchesHabrosyne pyritoides Side view and portrait
21. Scorched CarpetLigdia adustata
22. Mottled Beauty Alcis repandata repandata ? but not the same as 17 !
23. Miller Acronicta leporina Moth took off before I got a better picture !
24. Chestnut Conistra vaccinii
25. Marbled Beauty Cryphia domestica
26. Whit-spotted Pug Eupithecia tripunctaria
Micros. Two of the 8 species in the trap - 27. A Pyralid Phlyctaenia coronata
28. Although small (about 15 mm long) this moth may be a Noctuid.
A full list will be prepared when all species have been identified and confirmed, and after the next session on 6th August 08.
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There has in recent years been a growing interest in recording and studying moths. This page aims to describe and illustrate many of the more noticeable species as well as summarise the lists of species recorded at recent moth trapping evenings.

The most noticeable moths are the Hawkmoths and the Dayflying moths which are seen in the urban areas.
Less noticed and more of a problem to identify are the Micro moths, not always small but sometimes noticed because of their large numbers, then there are all the 'Other moths' many of which are seen at moth trapping events. Many species are first recorded as caterpillars and some make excellent subjects for photography.

Capturing images. The revolution in photography is making a big difference to studying moths. Digital images can save having to spend time catching and bringing specimens home and pictures can quickly be sent to an expert to confirm identification. All the pictures of moths shown here are taken within 3 miles of the centre of Horndean. Under References are aids to identification including websites. There has been a glut of books on moths recently, I have listed some of my favourites, some since 2000, others over 50 years old.

Click on the small thumbnail images to view the photo gallery.

The following moths were photographed in May and June at local 'moth spots' - from left to right

Heart and Dart Agrostis exclamationis, aptly named and easy to recognise WG - 11.5.07
Speckled Yellow Pseudopanthera macularia on Wood Spurge, many in the Holt - 12.5.07
Puss moth Cerura vinula newly hatched but torn by brambles in the Holt - 12.5.07
Brown tail caterpillars Euproctis chrysorrhoea many on brambles Horndean Down - 11.5.07

[image 29/dsc_0300/jpg]

Heart and Dart Agrostis exclamationis
[image 30/dsc_0294/jpg]

Speckled Yellow Pseudopanthera macularia
[image 31/dsc_0287/jpg]

Puss moth Cerura vinula
[image 32/imgp1265/jpg]

Brown tail caterpillars Euproctis chrysorrhoea

Treble Brown Spot Idaea trigeminata came into porch - 7.6.07
Micro moth Nemophora degeerella - female with shorter antennae in WG - 8.6.07
Micro moth Pyrausta aurata - on water mint, here two different specimens in WG - 8.6.07
Other micro moths were seen in June but I have not been able to identify them yet.

[image 33/dsc_0439/jpg]

Treble Brown Spot Idaea trigeminata
[image 34/dsc_0464/jpg]

Micro moth Nemophora degeerella
[image 35/dsc_0484/jpg]

Micro moth Pyrausta aurata
[image 36/dsc_0489/jpg]

Snout moth Hypena proboscidalis a regular visitor to our porch - 12.6.07
Straw Belle Aspitates gilvaria seen at DPW - 12.6.07
Bright-line Brown-eye Lacanobia oleracea entered porch - 13.6.07
Festoon Apoda limacodes (?) field at Pyle Fm - 29.6.07

[image 37/dsc_0561/jpg]

Snout moth Hypena proboscidalis
[image 38/dsc_0567/jpg]

Straw Belle Aspitates gilvaria
[image 39/dsc_0575/jpg]

Bright-line Brown-eye Lacanobia oleracea
[image 40/dsc_0774/jpg]

Festoon Apoda limacodes
Hawkmoths in Horndean - Family Sphingidae

Privet Hawkmoth Sphinx ligustri

[image 41/bm709/jpg]

Privet Hawkmoth Catapillar - found in Victory Avenue, 27th Aug 2006
[image 42/dsc_0303/jpg]

Pupa of caterpillar with shed larval skin and dead privet leaf.
[image 43/moth3056/jpg]

Privet Hawkmoth

Poplar Hawkmoth Laothoe populi

[image 44/bm657/jpg]This specimen came to the light trap on Catherington Down at about 10pm on the 16th August 2006 where it took a liking to Philip, the countryside ranger. We were able to photograph it on his hand, afterwhich it perched on his hat.

Broad-bordered Bee Hawkmoth Hemaris fuciformis

Watched 'hovering' and feeding on honeysuckle on the 16th July 2006 along Woodhouse Lane Blendworth bordering Wick Hanger. Unable to get a picture on this occasion as it behaved like a Hummingbird Hawk.
Body markings were easy to see and very similar to the Lewington's illustration.

Pine Hawkmoth Hyloicus pinastri

[image 45/moth413/jpg]

Caterpillar in WLG
This Pinehawk caterpillar was found under a pine tree in our wild garden. It pupated at the end of September 2005. The pupa was kept in a large puparium and hatched out on the 21st May 2006 and was released under the same pine tree.

Lime Hawkmoth Mimas tiliae

Seen on Limes in Victory Avenue (not photographed)

Eyed Hawkmoth Smerinthus ocellata

[image 46/moth323/jpg]

Caterpillar in WLG on apple, 28th Aug 2004

Hummingbird Hawkmoth Macroglossum stellatarum

Frequently seen 'hovering' like a hummingbird in Horndean and Catherington gardens Aug/Sep most years. (no photograph yet!)

Several have been seen 'hovering' in gardens in mid June 2006 and one fine specimen was found in a neighbours greenhouse, saved just in time from the interests of a spider !

Elephant Hawkmoth Deilephila elpenor

Frequently seen, especially the caterpillars usually found on willow-herb but in Victory Ave happily living on grape-vine.
Caterpillar 28th Aug 2005
[image 47/p206/jpg]

Elephant Hawkmoth Caterpillar
[image 48/elehwk/jpg]

Moth in Victory Ave.

Small Elephant Hawkmoth Deilephila porcellus

Seen in the '80s but not recently (no photograph)

Good Years for Hawkmoths have been 2001 when an Elephant hawkmoth was seen in the garden on 29 July and another on 4 August hovering and feeding on our phlox flowers early afternoon in the same manner as a Humming Bird Hawkmoth which it resembled in flight. Mavis Vigay spotted the Privet hawkmoth in the garden and Stephen Harwood reported Privet Hawkmoths at the north end of Catherington Lane in late July. In 2005 he also recorded a caterpillar and we saw our first Pine hawkmoth caterpillar under our pine tree.

Goat Moth Cossus cossus
In June 2002 I had a worried telephone call from Joan Angus in North Horndean. A hole 11cm diameter has appeared in her Rowan tree - a beautiful specimen that was in full flower. From the hole there were also cracks in the bark. This was almost precisely the possible signs of the Asian Longhorn beetle. As a Tree Warden I had been told about the dangers of this pest entering Britain as there had been reports of the beetle arriving in wooden packing cases from China. A 'rapid response' by the Forestry Commission said that they thought it might be the exit hole of a Goat Moth, the only species likely to make a hole that size ! It was not until October that Joan phoned again to say some 'bits' were coming out of the hole. These are shown in the photo and confirm that it was indeed a Goat Moth pupa case and not the dreaded Asian Longhorn.

This large moth is so named because of the goat-like smell of its caterpillar. In the past the moth did much damage to trees with extensive boring but is today quite rare, I do not know of any records for south-east Hampshire so this is a first for Horndean. It'a great relief that the fine one and only garden tree is still healthy!

[image 49/aslhornhole/jpg]

The worrying hole in the tree
[image 50/pb170669/jpg]

Pupal case and bits of cocoon, Oct 2002
[image 51/alholetree/jpg]

The Rowan tree that survived
[image 52/moth4058/jpg]

Puss Moth Ceruva vinula
[image 53/moth1054/jpg]

Angle Shades Phlogophora meticulosa
[image 54/moth171/jpg]

Brimstone moth Opisthograptis luteolata
[image 55/moth6060/jpg]

Yellow Shell Camptogramma bilineata

[image 56/pa042445/jpg]

Pale Tussock Calliteara pudibunda
[image 57/bufftip/jpg]

Buff-tip moth Phalera bucephala
[image 58/p9172428/jpg]

Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum
[image 59/moth2055/jpg]

Oak Eggar Lasiocampa quercus

Day Flying Moths frequent in Horndean (most seen at Dell Piece West)
[image 60/moth7061/jpg]

Mother Shipton Callistege mi
[image 61/moth9071/jpg]

Burnet Companion Euclidea glyphica
[image 62/moth5059/jpg]

5-spot Burnet Zygaena trifolii
[image 63/moth6027/jpg]

Silver Y Autographa gamma

Less often noticed except when they fly out of your wardrobe. Nor all small, some such as the Small Magpie are bigger than many macros but I have highlighted some species that are often seen at local sites and two that have made quite a spectacular appearance. The first micro that caused quite a stir was the Small Ermine Moth Yponomeuta species. In May 2003 tens of thousands of the caterpillars started eating up the hedgerow along the north end of Lovedean Lane. This is a narrow road with fast traffic but people were stopping to look at the amazing communal webs extending 20 metres or more along the rapidly disappearing hedgerow ! Here are some pictures recording the event. The last picture shows the same hedgerow in September having made a full recovery. This is not an annual event, they may not be seen again for years.

Another micro often seen in small swarms in local woodland especially Yoell's Copse is Adela reaumurella many males drift through hazel coppice in bright sunlight showing their bright green wings and long antennae.

[image 64/micro686/jpg]

A mass of caterpillars
[image 65/micro691/jpg]

Doorways to another world?
[image 66/micro697/jpg]

A natural 'website'!
[image 67/micro722/jpg]

Next meal, Hawthorn blossom
[image 68/micro720/jpg]

Building a 'web site'
[image 69/micro715/jpg]

Moving on to Spindle
[image 70/micro724/jpg]

'No limit' to this enterprise
[image 71/microp982/jpg]

Hedge recovered - Sept 2003

[image 72/microp119/jpg]

Adela reaumurella
[image 73/micro176/jpg]

Pyrausta aurata
[image 74/paurata2/jpg]

Pyrausta aurata Photographed by Tony Fry in Bull's Copse garden on 15th Aug 2006
[image 75/bm677/jpg]

Unidentified! Came to the MV light on Catherington Down on 15th Aug 2006
[image 76/micro1029/jpg]

[image 77/micro6036/jpg]


My first experience of trapping moths by light was in 1940 on Tooting Bec Common, South London where the army had positioned a searchlight and practised with it weekly. This brilliant beam attracted enormous numbers of moths and it was quite amusing to see numerous entomologists sweeping nets on long poles across the beam and occasionally creating an image on the clouds above. The army spotted more moths than German bombers. One of the entomologists was no less than Dr E.B.Ford who wrote the New Naturalist book on Moths.

As there are no exGovt surplus searchlights around I have invested in a Skinner type light trap ( lightweight aluminium folding type with MV lamp) and this has proved on two occasions that it efficiently attracts moths.
Recently (16 August 06) I did a 'duo' by sharing a generator with the Horndean Parish Robinson light trap on Catherington Down with the traps set about 200 metres apart. A list of the species attracted is below.

We are making a start to record moths systematically and keep records and this web site can help as a central focus for local sightings and moth trapping evenings.

There are four important details for each record :-
(1) Name of species plus number of individuals (Photograph, sketch or description if identity unknown.)
(2) Location or site name with a 6 or 8 figure grid reference
(3) Date and time (day or night, attracted to light, weather conditions)
(4) Type of habitat and if a caterpillar record foodplant.
The 4-digit number before each entry here is the "Bradley and Fletcher number" taken from their list of UK Moths. It lists all British species including butterflies (over 2600 species). Useful for quick recorder reference.

This year (2005) light traps have been used on four local sites - the trap set up and organised by the Countryside Team of Horndean Parish Council. Local enthusiasts were invited to attend.

During July and August 2005 some moth trapping events were held using a Robinson type trap with a mercury vapour lamp. At Hazleton Common on the 7th July an early visitor was the new member of the grazing team. On 14th July at Hazleton and 3rd August at Catherington Lith we had an interesting selection of moths visiting the trap. Digital imaging has been a great aid to identification as specimens trapped can be recorded and then released. Most were very co-operative and briefly posed for the cameras. Some of the more spectacular moths are shown here.

[image 78/cattle/jpg]

[image 79/oakeggar/jpg]

Oak Eggar moth
[image 80/black/jpg]

Black Arches moth

Seen on Horndean Down on Butterfly transect on Sun.18th June 2006 were several day flying moths, some shown here, left to right :- Mother Shipton and Burnet Companion, also seen were a Silver Y and a Burnet.

Also an excellent picture of a Cinnabar moth taken by Tony Fry in his garden in Bull's Copse on 10th June.

[image 81/bm318/jpg]

Mother Shipton
[image 82/bm322/jpg]

Burnet Companion
[image 83/cinnabar4/jpg]


Moths recorded on trap evenings

Thursday 14th July 2005      Location: Hazleton Common Grid Ref: SU 7035 1196 Rec: JFV.
B & F No.QtySpecies
16404DrinkerEuthrix potatoria1 female at 10pm, 3 males by 11.30pm
16534Buff ArchesHabrosyne pyritoides
17131Riband WaveIdaea degeneraria
20371Rosy FootmanMiltochrista miniataearly first arrival !
20502Common FootmanEilema lurideola
21011Flame ShoulderOchropleura plecta
22911CoronetCraniophora ligustri
23821Rustic (?)Hoplodrina sp.

Wednesday 3rd August 2005      Location: Catherington Lith Grid Ref: SU 7017 1395 Rec: JFV.
13761Small MagpieEurrhypara hortulata(A large micro-moth !)
16371Oak EggarLasiocampa quercus1 female that kept returning inside the trap (see photo)
16812Clay Triple-linesCyclophora linearia
19311Peppered MothBiston betularia
20332Black ArchesLymantria monacha(see photo)
20691CinnabarTyria jacobaeae
21024+Flame ShoulderOrchropleura plecta
21072Large yellow UnderwingNoctua pronuba
21111Lesser Brd-bordered yellow U'wingNoctua janthe
21552Dot MothMelanchra persicariae

Friday 2nd September 2005      Location: Catherington Down Grid Ref: SU 6920 1450 Rec:JFV.
19062Brimstone mothOpisthograptis luteolata
21111Less BBrd Yellow UnderwingNoctua janthe
21261Setaceous Hebrew CharacterXestia c-nigrum
21362+GothicNaenia typica
23062Angle ShadesPhlogophora meticulosa

Thursday 8th September 2005      Location: Hazleton Common Grid Ref: SU7035 1196 Rec:PW.
1640DrinkersEuthrix potataria
1669Common EmeraldsHemithea aestivaria(in 2 colours - Blue-green and almost white)
1906Brimstone mothOpisthograptis luteolata
2033Black ArchesLymantria monacha
2136GothicsNaenia typica
2306Angle ShadesPhlogophora meticulosa
2343Common RusticMesapamea secalis
2441Silver YAutographa gamma
2462Mother ShiptonCallistege mi

Wednesday 14th June 2006 Location: Hazleton Common MR:7035 1196

1887Clouded BorderLomospilis marginata
1904Scorched WingPlagodis pulveraria
1906BrimstoneOpisthographic luteolata
1961Light EmeraldCampaea margaritata
1962Barred RedHylaea fascionia
1991Elephant HawkmothDeilephila elpenor
2014Marbled BrownDrymonia dodonaea
2205Shoulder-striped WainscotMythimna comma
2337Marbled MinorOligia strigilis
2343Common RusticMesopamea secalis
2306Angle ShadesPhlophora meticulosa
1711Trable Brown SpotIdaea trieminata

Wednesday 16th August 2006 Location: Catherington Down MR:6925 1450

1405Mother of PearlPleuroptya ruralis
1680Maiden's BlushCyclophora punctaria
1748Beautiful CarpetMesoleuca albicillata
1825Lime-speck PugEupithecia centaureata
1834Common PugEupithecia vulgata
1839Bordered PugEupithecia succenturiata
1862Double-striped PugGymnoscelis rufifasciata
1906Brimstone MothOpisthograptis luteolata
1914Dusky ThornEnnomus alniaria
1943Great Oak BeautyHypomecis roboraria
1981Poplar Hawk-mothLaothoe populi
1997Sallow KittenFurcula furcula
2033Black ArchesLymantria monacha
2102Flame ShoulderOchropleura plecta
2107Large Yellow UnderwingNoctua pronuba
2111Lesser Br-bordered Y.U.Noctua janthe
2126Setaceous Hebrew CharacterXestia c-nigrum
2134Square-spot RusticXestia xanthographa
2250Dark BrocadeMniotype adusta
2297Copper UnderwingAmphipyra pyramidea
2343Common RusticMesapamea secalis
The best at the moment is "Field Guide to the Moths of GB and Ireland" by P.Waring & M.Townswend- 2003. with excellent lifestyle illustrations by Richard Lewington, expensive but good value - Br Wildlife Publishing. £29
"Moths of the Br.Isles" by Bernard Skinner 2nd Edn 1998 - Viking
"Caterpillars of the Br.Isles" by Jim Porter 1st Edn 1997 - Viking
"A Complete Guide to British Moths" by Margaret Brooks Include all stage of life history of many species. 1991
"Moths of Hampshire and the I of Wight" by Barry Goater and Tim Norris - 2001 - Hampshire CC/Pisces
"British Pyralid Moths" Guide to Identification by Barry Goater 1986 - Harley Books
I still like referring to the old classic "The Moths of the Br.Isles" by Richard South - 2 Vols Warne - Wayside & Woodland. first published in 1907.
An amazing website with photographs and info. on all species is www.ukmoths.org.uk

Amongst the great number of recent publications there are two Poyser Natural History books -
"The Natural History of Moths" by Mark Young - 1997
"Enjoying Moths" by Roy Leverton - 2001. A most interesting and readable book with many superb photographs.
If I had to choose only two of these references then it would be the first and last on this list.
The Journal "British Wildlife" always has monthly information on moths and in the August 2005 Issue there is an interesting article by several authors "British Moths: throwing light on a new conservation challenge"

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